Growth Fund - Loans & Equity Case Study

An innovative online money management tool for children to learn with their parents about budgeting, saving and spending money in a digital age.
The Company
Qwiddle – www.qwiddle.co.uk – is a new online platform launched by Vanessa Cameron, a mother of three boys who has 20 years’ experience in banking and finance. As well as teaching children about the value of money, it enables parents to pay pocket money electronically and encourages positive money management habits.
The Challenge
To take Qwiddle to the UK market, targeting children who are ‘digital natives’ via their parents. To develop the Qwiddle brand and proposition and support a national marketing strategy designed for its target audience.
The Solution
A £350,000 Equity Linked Investment from Finance Yorkshire will be used to market Qwiddle and further develop the online platform and its services. Qwiddle is almost unique in the marketplace and this level of investment provides the impetus to secure a strong position for Qwiddle in the digital space.
The Investment Rationale
This is a Yorkshire business with a founder who is passionate through her own personal and professional experience about teaching children – who now operate in a digital world – the value of money. Not only that, it has impressive support from partners who include PayPal, Ebay, Amazon and other major online retailers, and comes at a time when money management education is being introduced in the national curriculum (September 2014).
Future expectations
While having its heart in Yorkshire, Qwiddle is scalable worldwide and as its influence expands, its range of tools and resources will also be developed to add value and services to its global users.
For more information about Finance Yorkshire, please visit www.finance-yorkshire.com or call 0845 649 0000.
Note: this case study is from Finance Yorkshire’s previous fund. Read more about Finance Yorkshire